The wire was coupled on the plug. Discussion on the Influence of Conductor's Oxidation Film to Connecter Current 这条导线接到了插头上。浅谈导线氧化膜层对接头导流的影响
Coupled procedure of SOD purification and modification Adsorption and oxidation of arsenic(ⅲ) by Fe-Mn nodules 超氧化物歧化酶吸附分离-化学修饰的耦合过程铁锰结核对As(Ⅲ)的吸附和氧化特性研究
Coupled flocculation and oxidation process was used to treat acid brilliant scarlet dye wastewater with Potassium permanganate as oxidant and poly-silicic-ferric sulfate as flocculant. 以高锰酸钾为氧化剂、自制的聚硅硫酸铁为絮凝剂,采用氧化-絮凝耦合工艺处理酸性大红废水。
In the GC gram of DTA/ GC coupled curves, O 2, CO 2 and H 2O of the decomposition product of thermal oxidation ( evolved gas) at different reaction temperature have been detected. 在DTA/T/GC联用曲线的GC谱图上,检出了各反应温度下的O2、CO2和H2O及其热氧化分解产物(逸出气)的组成演变规律。
QDTA/ T/ EGA/ GC on line coupled simultaneous technique& ⅳ. A fast method for screening calcination conditions of the multicomponent oxide catalysts used in the oxidation of dilute propylene to acrolein QDTA/T/EGA/GC在线联同技术Ⅳ.稀丙烯氧化制丙烯醛的多组分催化剂焙烧条件的快速评选
A method using supported nanometer TiO2 as adsorbent coupled with ICP-AES has been developed for the separation/ preconcentration and determination of Cd2+, Cr3+, Cu2+ and Mn2+ in environmental sample. Propane oxidation experiments have been done with La-Sr-Co-Mn supported nanometer particle catalyst. 将其应用于环境标准样品中Cd2+,Cr3+,Cu2+和Mn2+的分离富集与测定,结果满意.采用研制的LaSrCoMn系负载型复合氧化物纳米粒子催化剂对丙烷深度催化氧化进行了小试试验。
Nitrogen Removal via Coupled Ammonia Oxidation and Nitrite Reduction Using Pt/ TiO_2 and Photocatalysis Pt/TiO2光催化氧化还原耦合反应脱除水中无机氮
A method to determine rifampicin by flow injection coupled chemiluminescence reaction is developed, based on the chemiluminescence produced during the oxidation of luminol by H_2O_2 in alkaline solution. 基于鲁米诺在碱性条件下可以被H2O2氧化产生化学发光,利福平对此化学发光具有增敏作用这一现象,结合流动注射技术建立了一种直接测定利福平的流动注射化学发光新方法。
Effect of pH value on catalyst activity was obvious and basic condition favored the coupled ammonia oxidation and nitrite reduction. pH对催化剂活性影响显著,碱性条件下更利于氨氮和亚硝态氮的氧化还原反应。
The single reaction of the close coupled catalyst was studied. The possible mechanism was found for the influence of NO on propane oxidation. 在此基础上研究了密偶催化剂的单一反应,得出各个组分对HC转化性能的影响规律,并且初步探索了NO抑制烷烃转化的机理。
Application of the Technique of Secondary Anaerobic Reactor Coupled with Oxidation Channel in the Treatment of Waste water in Potato Alcohol Production 二级厌氧+氧化沟工艺治理薯类酒精糟液
Based on the coupled processes among sulfide oxidation, gangue dissolution, oxygen diffusion, water flow and mass transport, this paper established a comprehensive dynamic model for tailings-water interaction. 从硫化物的氧化、脉石矿物的溶解、氧的扩散、水的流动和溶质质量迁移等过程的耦合作用建立了尾矿水相互作用的动力学模型。
A mathematic model coupled mass-transfer and reaction to match bubble column reactor with outside circulation for liquid-phase catalytic oxidation of ethylene was established. The Gear algorithm was adopted because the model was a kind of stiff ordinary differential equations. 以乙烯氧化生产乙醛的外循环鼓泡塔反应器为对象,建立了传质和反应耦合的数学模型,该模型为刚性常微分方程组,采用Gear算法求解。
Factors that influence coupled ammonia oxidation and nitrite reduction using Pt/ TiO_2 and photocatalysis were researched. 考察Pt/TiO2耦合催化氨氮与亚硝态氮混合溶液的影响因素。
The model is based on data obtained from a single zone heat release rate analysis coupled with appropriate soot formation and oxidation models for evaluation of the radiation and burned zone temperatures, the soot volume fraction, the soot emissivity and the global radiative heat flux. 该模型利用单区放热率所得资料,配合适当的碳粒形成和氧化的子模型,以计算辐射温度,燃烧区温度,碳粒浓度,碳粒发射率和总体辐射热流量等。
The carbon metabolism of photosynthesis includes two mutually opposing and coupled each other cycle, the one is Cs carbon reduction cycle, the other is C_2 carbon oxidation cycle. 光合作用的碳代谢包括两个相互反向和联锁的循环,其一是C3碳还原循环,另是C2碳氧化循环。
Also, the method was coupled with glucose oxidation reaction for the determination of glucose in human serum. 将拟定方法与葡萄糖氧化酶催化反应偶联,用于人血清样品中葡萄糖含量的测定,得到满意的结果。
In this paper it is focused on the process of dehydrogenation of propane coupled with selective oxidation of hydrogen, especially on the technology of high temperature hydrogen combustion and SHC catalysts. 本课题以丙烷脱氢制丙烯-氢选择性氧化这一耦合新工艺为研究背景,重点研究其中的高温氢选择性氧化工艺及其催化剂的制备与性能。
Dissimilatory Iron Reduction ( DIR), a kind of metabolism of microorganism, and Fe ( III) as the terminal electron acceptor was reduced to Fe ( II) in this process, coupled with the oxidation of organo/ abio electron donors. 异化Fe(III)还原作用是一种微生物代谢,该过程使有机或无机的电子供体以Fe(III)作为终端电子受体而被氧化,使Fe(III)还原为Fe(II)。